API end point: https://patient360mass.unicare.com/P360Member/api/fhir.

Resource Organization (DSTU2)

Maps CareEvolution RecordAuthority and its associated RecordAuthoritySubsets

Supported interactions

Search parameters

Name Type Modifiers , prefixes Multiple values Can be chained Description
_id Token Yes

Resource id

_lastUpdated Date lt le gt ge

When the resource last changed

identifier Token :missing Yes

Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)

name String :contains :exact :missing Yes

A portion of the organization's name

type Token :missing Yes

A code for the type of organization


Supports multiple sorts



To FHIR mappings

FHIR CareEvolution
extension('http://hl7.org/fhir/3.0/StructureDefinition/extension-Organization.type') Subsets
identifier RecordAuthority.Code
name RecordAuthority.Name
type Subsets

From FHIR mappings

FHIR CareEvolution
extension('http://hl7.org/fhir/3.0/StructureDefinition/extension-Organization.type') Subsets
identifier RecordAuthority.Code
name RecordAuthority.Name